That's all I can say. This week has been full of ups and downs. We're on our last stretch here. On January 7 I'll leave the MTC. Tons of mixed emotions.
We taught "Luca" (Our teacher Fratello Knutson) about the law of tithing, fasting and the word of wisdom. He likes coffee and said it would be hard for him to give it up. But the spirit was strong in the room and I looked him straight in the eye and promised him that the Lord would help him overcome that temptation. Fratello Guest (another teacher who was being "Fratello Raveau a member of the church") bore a powerful testimony of the power of the law of tithing. So grateful for these amazing spiritual experiences.
For choir we sang one small babe. Such a beautiful song! totally felt the spirit and the divinity of our Savior's birth.
So the entire time I've been here I've felt prompted to do an arrangement of O come O come Emmanuel on the cello with piano accompaniment. Well Elder Smith agreed to do it with me. I haven't touched the cello in two years. But we've been practicing this week. Sometimes the Lord asks us to do things and we think that there's no way we can do them because either we've never done it before or haven't done it in a long time. That's when he helps us do it. I haven't played this good in my entire life. Loving it.
I met Elder Leon going to Poland. He does Muay Thai. We spent an entire dinner talking about MMA. It was awesome.
TRC was fantastic. We talked to a lady and were able to continue to better our Italian. She was super patient with us and the Spirit was strong.
District meeting was awesome. Everyone went around and shared a spiritual gift that they have. I learned so much about the people in our zone and the amazing spirits they have. We are all one massive family. Even though the mtc is hard, the thought of leaving makes me want to cry. These people are truly my brothers and sisters and I love every single one of them.
Devotional was Elder Rasband aka president of the 70. He talked about spiritual gifts. He had microphones set up and I went up. He asked me what spiritual gift I wanted to develop in my life. what a humbling experience it was to talk with Brother Rasband and tell him that I wanted to develop the gift of empathy more in my life.... while my face displayed to the entire MTC plus the international MTC's... no pressure. It was an awesome meeting.
I'll probably say this every week but this week has topped them all in difficulty. I spent 3 hours on saturday just bawling. It's been hard for me to feel the Christmas spirit this week. Lots of little stuff has been weighing on my mind. Mingled with the exhaustion, and constant upset stomach of the food, it was too much. But I've learned a powerful lesson. Sometimes when we ask the Lord to deliver us from one hard thing... he delivers us through an even harder thing. To our human minds this may seem contradictory and unhelpful. The reality is that as we come out of the harder trial, we gain more knowledge, wisdom and perspective than we would have if we had just been delivered from the first trial immediately.
The miracles this week were Elder Molnar And Elder Fabiano doing a 20 minute long duet on the piano and it was entirely IMPROV! They are soooo talented. My companion has been so loving and patient with me as I've struggled. I'll be forever grateful to her. Also Sorella Taylor. She let me pour our my troubles and gave me the most wonderful advice and comfort. Love her sooo much! Our teachers have borne powerful testimonies to us of the importance of this work. The gift of tongues is real. My Italian is almost there. I'm focusing on using correct grammar now. It is the most beautiful language and I can't wait to speak it 24/7.
Love you all. Thank you sooooo sooooooooo much for the cards and letters. They mean sooo much! Hope you all continue to have a wonderful Christmas season. So family.... I won't be able to call home on Christmas day... too many missionaries at the MTC for everyone to call. But you will be in my thoughts, heart and prayers.
A half pound reeses cup. |
My collega and I in front of the nativity |
A day at the temple |
Italian homework and flowers |
This was taken while we were walking out of a devotional so it's all goofy. Oscar is doing great! He's in an amazing missionary! So glad I ran into him. |
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